Implicit vs. explicit learning of grammar: State of the art
报 告 人:Mirosłąw Pawlak
报告地点: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/41Ob9fVtDtUP 会议 ID:817 297 533
报告时间:2021年10月20日 下午 5:00-6:30
讲座题目(Title):Implicit vs. explicit learning of grammar: State of the art
There is consensus at present that if learners are expected to learn the grammar of a foreign or second language (L2), sheer exposure to that language or interaction opportunities will not guarantee success unless they are accompanied by pedagogic intervention (cf. Ellis, 2016; Larsen-Freeman, 2015; Nassaji & Fotos, 2001; Pawlak, 2014). One of the leading controversies, however, is whether such intervention should be more implicit or more explicit so that it can activate implicit or explicit learning mechanisms. The former might involve such techniques as input flooding, input enhancement or recasts, while the latter can range from the provision of rules, through controlled and communicative practice or more explicit types of error correction (e.g., metalinguistic cues), to training learners in the use of grammar learning strategies. While the empirical evidence points to greater efficacy of more explicit types of instruction, much depends on the mediating factors which may be linguistic (e.g., the difficulty of the structure), contextual (e.g., out-of-class access to the target language) or individual (e.g., aptitude, working memory, motivation, beliefs, learning styles) (cf. Ellis, 2010; Pawlak, 2017). The talk provides an overview of theoretical and empirical arguments for the employment of techniques and procedures promoting implicit and explicit grammar teaching, as well as offering some pedagogical implications.
Mirosław Pawlak,波兰Adam Mickiewicz University大学教授、博士生导师,State University of Applied Sciences校长,国际教师教育与发展专业学会(FIPLV)主席、SSCI一区刊物Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching主编。在外语学习情绪研究、个体差异研究方面发表高水平论文30多篇,出版著作四部。