“外语教育心理活动月”Dr. Luke Plonsky 讲座(一)

作者: 时间:2021-11-24 点击数:



The relationship between individual differences and L2 achievement:A meta-analytic perspective

报 告 人:Dr. Luke Plonsky

报告地点:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/HH0sVhOxX7zP 会议ID:798 290 829

报告时间:2021年12月6日 周一 下午1:30-3:00




For decades, researchers in the field of second language acquisition have examined the relationship between individual differences, such as aptitude and motivation, and second language (L2) achievement. These efforts have led to a body of empirical work that is vast and diverse in terms of settings, samples, instruments, and outcomes. This talk will attempt to make sense of this domain by examining the core relationships of interest through the lens of meta-analysis (i.e., a systematic approach to synthesizing findings across a body of empirical studies). More specifically, after situating individual differences in the context of SLA, I will present an overview of meta-analytic findings on a range of individual differences as they relate to L2 achievement. I will also discuss when and why those relations have been found to vary across different methodological and substantive features.


Luke Plonsky (PhD, Michigan State University) is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at Northern Arizona University, where he teaches courses in SLA and research methods. His work in these and other areas has resulted in over 90 articles, book chapters, and books. Luke is Senior Associate Editor ofStudies in Second Language Acquisition, Managing Editor ofForeign Language Annals, Co-Editor of De Gruyter Mouton's Series on Language Acquisition, and Co-Director of the IRIS Database (iris-database.org). In addition to prior appointments at Georgetown and University College London, Luke has lectured in China, Japan, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Puerto Rico.

地址:吉林省长春市人民大街5268号 东北师范大学外国语学院 中国基础外语教育研究中心 邮编:130024
技术支持:外语基础实验教学中心  版权所有:东北师范大学外国语学院 联系我们:nrcbee@nenu.edu.cn
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